Memory tasks generally cause difficulties for pupils with fragile X. They can often remember information from the past which they are particularly interested in, but recall of recent information presents difficulties. Strategies to improve memory are to use computer programs e.g. Memory Skills help to develop strategies to improve short-term memory skills and Play memory games, e.g. matching pairs (Pelmanism), Kims Game. Strategies to support memory problems are to use a visual diary or timetable. Good long-term memory, enabling pupils to learn facts about topics of personal interest. The multi-sensory approach illustrates an effective and proven teaching style to use with pupils who have problems with learning and short-term memory such as always use appropriate written or spoken language to adjust to different ability levels. Girls with fragile X are usually less affected by the condition than boys, perhaps having some problems with co-ordination and short-term memory. They also becoming upset when perceiving rejection or criticism.