The Arab world sought independence from European colonial rule, some Arab thinkers and politicians envisaged a larger goal than independent statehood. A vision of pan-Arab unity. Pan-Arab nationalism is a political philosophy based on a cultural premise. Writing in the inter-war years, Sati al-Husri, a Syrian writer, was a particularly influential advocate of cultural Arab nationalism. Gamal Abdel Nasser was born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1918. Gamal Abdel Nasser was one of four founders of the Free Officers Movement Committee in 1949. He became the chairman of the Free Officers in 1950 and was part of the inner group that plotted the 1952 military coup. In Egypt the Nasserist ideology blended nationalist and socialist ideas and built up a corporate, centralized state. Ideas of Arab unity spread during and immediately after World War I. Two years after Suez, Arab unity was put into practice with the establishment of the United Arab Republic in 1958 by Syria and Egypt.