In 1970 John Conway invented the game Life. It is a game that he initially invented to be played on a draughts board, or some other such grid. The squares on the board are called cells. If there is a counter in a cell the cell is said to be alive; if there is no counter the cell is said to be dead. The rules of the game are:

A cell will remain alive if it has either two or three neighbours. Otherwise it will die.

Birth occurs when a cell has exactly three live neigbours.

British mathematician John Conway (1937-), inventer of the game Life https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315069555/5d5201a7-70ac-4d14-a96d-80b2cf916e2e/content/fig0065.jpg"/>