Bom on Christmas Day, 1642, Sir Isaac Newton had one of the greatest ever mathematical minds. One of the most famous stories about him is one you may have heard, involving an apple. He was sitting having afternoon tea under his favourite apple tree in Woolsthorpe, when out of the blue an apple fell on his head. Apart from giving him a sore head, it also made him consider this question:

Could it be the same force responsible for both the apple falling and the Moon falling towards the Earth in its orbit?

He set to work that afternoon and mathematically confirmed that it was the same force acting in both of these situations: the force due to gravity. He then asked the question: The famous English mathematician. Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315069555/5d5201a7-70ac-4d14-a96d-80b2cf916e2e/content/fig0090.jpg"/>

If it were true for these bodies, could it not be true for all things, such as planets and asteroids;in fact, universally true?