Universals, 21, 60, 71-72, 75-77, 79, 117,138,292-93,295,299,304, 346,396,400-401,411-12,438, 458,461,577-78

Unmoved mover(s) 21, 62, 78, 128, 153,369-70,425,524,546,550,553

Varro,156,200,334,433 Vegetarianism, 313, 447, 468-9 Vergil (Virgil), 24, 212-13, 309 Vesalius,267 Virtue, excellence (arete). See Ethical

Thought, Classical Void, Theories of the, 44, 81,127,

138,147,151,169-70,205,217-19, 283-86,298,310,323,331,342, 384-85,537,564-67,577

World Soul, 18,38, 45, 125, 155,338, 408,416,423,479

Xenarchus, 97, 536 Xeniades, 350 Xenocrates, 1-2, 67-68,153-55,209,

254,286,335,388,413-14,431, 439,465,474,568-70

Xenophanes, 9, 24, 49,151-52,202, 222,259,265,278,289,293,363, 432,434,436,438,467-68,492, 521,544-45,562,570-73

Xenophilus,95 Xenophon, 8, 42-43, 162, 179-80,

188,357,374,454,496,498-500, 508,511-12,514-15,573-75


Zeno of Citium, 14,22,37,45-47, 56, 102-3, 122, 135, 138, 143, 157, 161-62,182-83,185,190,192-93, 196,207,209,220,227,255,262, 272,280,302,329,374,415-16, 439,460,493,526,527-30,536, 576-79

Zeno of Elea, 28,126,174,178,202, 233,284,299,363,366,559-60, 570,579-83

Zeno of Sidon, 168, 196,210,212, 217,376,381-82,475,584

Zeno of Tarsus, 48,192,584 Zenodotus, 5, 280 Zostrianus, 25