Molotov replied that huge numbers of arms and troops were concentrated on both sides of the Soviet-German front. Looking at the balance of forces objectively, Hitler had a certain preponderance, as he had managed to amass great numbers of troops and great amounts of arms from virtually the whole of Europe. Severe battles were expected on the Soviet-German front in the summer of 1942. The morale of the Red Army and the Soviet people was higher today than at the beginning of the war. Nonetheless, in view of Hitler's numerical supremacy, the possibility of a Red Army retreat, the loss of Moscow, the occupation of Rostov and a German drive to Baku could not be ignored. Under these circumstances, it was understandable that Allied help in 1942 would be of vital importance. If the USA and Britain could draw off 40 German divisions from the Soviet-German front, these being first-rate divisions, we are confident that Hitler's defeat could be completed in 1942 or, at any rate, his fate would be decided.