During the period between 1925–29, three High Commissioners served in Palestine. Sir Herbert Samuel, the first High Commissioner, was an experienced politician whose administration was noted for its stability. He was succeeded by Field Marshal Lord Plumer in 1925, a professional soldier whose administration until 1928 was governed by the "law and order" principle. Early in 1929, the economic and political conditions in Palestine showed signs of recovery for the first time since 1926. Due to increased economic activity, the rate of unemployment decreased. The years 1926–29 within the Jewish Community in Palestine were marked by extraordinary activity. Its climax was shaped by the formation of the Jewish Agency, the political World Zionist Organization, representing some fifty-one national independent associations and maintaining unusual powers and status in Palestine that were "often regarded by the Administration as embarrassingly independent." The construction of the Jewish National Home was on a clear collision course with Arab nationalism in Palestine.