The US Government is taking the country far down the path leading inevitably to socialized medicine. Government-mandated wage and price controls during World War II prevented employers from offering higher wages as a means of attracting workers. By the 1960s, millions of American families were no longer paying out-of-pocket for most of their medical costs. In broad terms, the solution to the nightmare created by government intervention in the health care market is simple: get the government the hell out of the medical field and establish a free market of medicine. For example, regarding food, America has something much more closely resembling a free market than it has regarding medical care. The freer, capitalist element is responsible for America's outstanding medical care; the government-controlled, socialist element for its exorbitant cost. A free market of medicine respects the rights of all individuals, doctors as well as patients; consequently, it results in an abundance of affordable, high-quality medical care.