This chapter focuses on some of Beethoven's music on exaltation and rapture. It discusses Beethoven's symphonies in the particular light of sensibility, with an accent on learning sensibility. Listening to Beethoven's nine symphonies is a way of sensibility for exaltation and rapture; taken together they comprise a showing of Music herself (melos), and of human greatness or genius in this regard. Beethoven's nine symphonies form a ladder for the development of height in sensibility. Roman Rolland, like Berlioz, another great listener of Beethoven, provides beginners with some orientation about how to listen to symphonic music like this. The music invariably starts introducing a theme, recapitulates it in another key with a bit of variation, returns to the original key (tonic), and then the development section starts. Beethoven was the experimenter and master of development par excellence.