This chapter investigates the utility of the typology of armed criminals by considering the conviction offenses reported by the sample. The modal conviction offense among the Unarmed Criminals was burglary and breaking and entering, mentioned by 28%, followed in order by robbery, theft, and rape. Burglary was a fairly common crime in all categories of the typology, the burglary percentages ranging from 60 to 92%. The weapons carried during burglaries were much as one would expect. Most armed burglars carried a handgun and a knife, but then, most armed burglars were Handgun Predators by their definition, and their pattern, therefore, dominates the results for the total sample. The heavy concentration of homicide within the Predator categories warrants emphasis. The detailed criminal history information is cumbersome to work with; it proves useful to combine all the information into a single "total criminality" index.