Project Theophrastus had begun to focus on Theophrastus' colleagues and successors in the early Peripatos but had no plans for holding a conference on Aristoxenus, whose importance for musical theory and the development of biography is well-known. Apollonius cites Theophrastus as his source and reports a remarkable, though garbled account of Aristoxenus using music to restore emotional stability. According to Apollonius, Theophrastus said that music cures fainting, and playing the flute cures sciatica and epilepsy. In Theophrastus, "woman killer" enjoys pride of place and "scorpion" is secondary. We have a case in which both paradoxographers present an identical report that may mislead the reader who is interested in Theophrastus. Theophrastus refers to two like-named persons: Eudemus the drug vendor and Eudemus the Chian. The wager is mentioned in connection with the consumption of 22 cups, which in Theophrastus are separate events.