Mickey Mouse is one of the most popular comic strip characters in the history of American popular culture and one of the most significant creations in animated films. It can be said that technology's inner necessities shaped Mickey Mouse, Disney's first significant creation, just as technological imperatives were to shape his other efforts, including Disneyland and Disneyworld. It is hard to think that Mickey Mouse's great triumph in Steamboat Willie was in 1928, more than sixty years ago. Here's Schickel's description of Mickey Mouse's career. The mouse the author love is Ignatz Mouse, George Herriman's malevolent, anti-authoritarian, incorrigible hero who heaved bricks at lovesick Krazy Kat for thirty years. Ignatz loves throwing bricks at Krazy, who takes the bricks as signs of love. Mice are small, timid, dirty rodents with a passion, so we are told, for peanut butter and cheese.