Sherwood Anderson saw all of American life during the Theodore Roosevelt era. Sherwood Anderson will even state the problem of the national renaissance in terms of the fusion between Anglo-Saxons and Latins or Negroes in any case, people who know how to play and to sing. Sherwood Anderson published his first book in 1916. He touches upon a number of purely national issues in his books, and of these it is useless to speak now: it is enough if everyone bear in mind what is in his work the problem and the condition of life, which define and transcend all national issues. For Anderson, the whole modern world is a contrast between city and country, between sincerity and empty pretense, between nature and petty men. In Dark Laughter Anderson mentions Joyce and tells us that he liked Ulysses enormously. And certainly his own way of alluding to ideas as parallel to external facts might well fool the reader.