In its 2012 Annual Report, the U.S. Commission on International Freedom again, as it has for eight consecutive years, recommended designation RI(ULWUHDDVD FRXQWU\RISDUWLFXODU FRQFHUQEHFDXVHRI LWV VWLÀLQJRI religious freedom.7 On the 2011 Ibrahim Index of African Governance, (ULWUHD VFRUHGWKRI WKH FRXQWULHV H[DPLQHG8 Reporters without %RUGHUVUDQNHG(ULWUHDWKHODVWLQLWVH[DPLQDWLRQRISUHVVIUHHGRPVLQ 179 states.9 No known reputable agency or NGO views the current situaWLRQHVSHFLDOO\WKHVWDWXVRIKXPDQULJKWVLQ(ULWUHDLQDQ\PDQQHURWKHU than as portrayed by these sources.