A burst of fire from the fort killed thousands of Ukrainians and Tartars. Because of the lack of water, however, the Poles were compelled to leave the fort and go to the city of Lwow. Nevertheless, the enemies succeeded in capturing the fort, and afterwards they encircled the city. The people were fearful of leaving their houses because of the shell fire which continued to come from the fort. The people of the city sent messages to Chmiel to offer a compromise; they would give him all their silver and gold as a ransom for their lives. Chmiel sent his captain Glowacki, a former Polish officer who had rebelled against the Kingdom of Poland and vowed allegiance to him, together with several Cossack officers, into the city to discuss the terms of the compromise. The city also sent forth several reputable nobles together with Reb Simeon Shtadlan of Lwow, to visit Chmiel, and to discuss the matter with him.