Truth leads us to conclude that abortion is morally wrong. It is the murder of Imago Dei, and the real of that murder destroys the lives of many who survive. Citizens-nachahmer must insist that government not remain aloof on issues pertaining to outward justice because such distance ultimately places in jeopardy Imago Dei. Part of civic costly grace, therefore, requires the citizen-nachahmer to support government in its mandate to provide the-world hope through outward justice—which, by the way, can be rendered either through conservative or liberal visions. In the American adaption, outward justice has Lockean theme of ensuring reasonable balance of strength, or a reasonable balance of vulnerability, among all members of the political community so that each member can pursue individual opportunity. Individual effort is necessary to the spread of the social gospel, but it cannot be successful in democratic political community without equal effort on the part of government to guarantee outward justice.