The end of the Cold War put the planet on a new track, abruptly replacing the familiar world of bipolarity, red phones, and intercontinental ballistic missiles with the strange new world of the Internet, e-commerce, and Palm Pilots. The "New World Order" was defined by a U.S.-led war against Iraq, bloody ethnic strife in Bosnia and Rwanda, and religious turmoil in Central Asia. This evolving global system, however, overlooked the powerful role of credit, which functions as a critical building block for developing greater national and individual wealth. This volume examines the evolution of credit in the Western world and its relationship to power. Spanning several centuries of human endeavor. it focuses on Western Europe and the United States and also considers how the Western system became the global credit system. Six major themes run throughout: (1) the direct relationship between credit and power; (2) different kinds of political power promote different kinds of economic behavior; (3) various societal and cultural groups were often more successful in mingling credit and political power; (4) the Western credit system evolved in tandem with the development of the nation-state; (5) historically, there has been a pattern of financial crises; (6) credit spread from being the privilege of the wealthy and powerful to being available to vast numbers. MacDonald and Gastmann have broken history into five periods, ranging from early pre-modern, defining the earliest references to banking and credit as exemplified by the Code of Hammurabi, circa 1726 BC, through the Roman Empire with its creation of money and growing use of credit in trade, the barbarian invasions of the 11th century which led to a breakdown in credit networks in the West, through the establishment of the Italian city-states, to the modern period which incorporates the rise of credit in the Low Countries in the 1500s and extends through the rise of London and New York as the major international credit hubs.

part 1|16 pages


chapter 1|14 pages


part 2|36 pages

Early Pre-Modern Credit Period

chapter 2|12 pages

The Ancient Mediterranean World

chapter 3|10 pages

Byzantine Christians and Muslims

chapter 4|12 pages

The Jewish Bridge

part 3|40 pages

Early Modern Credit Period

chapter 5|18 pages

Trade Fairs and The Knights Templar

chapter 6|20 pages

The Italians and Credit

part 4|208 pages

Modern Credit Period

chapter 7|32 pages

Credit Goes North: The Road to Amsterdam

chapter 8|26 pages

Finance in the Age of British Power

chapter 9|40 pages

Continental Echoes

chapter 10|24 pages

The Rise of U.S. Power and Credit

chapter 11|20 pages

The Democratization of Credit

chapter 13|34 pages

Globalized Markets

chapter 14|14 pages

Conclusion: New Frontiers