In this chapter, the authors review the history of school-funding litigation in New York State, report recommendations from a New York costing-out study, and introduce the goals and activities of the National Access Network, a Campaign for Fiscal Equity (CFE) initiative established to promote the national quality education movement. In CFE v. State the court heard testimony, reviewed, regarding the following “inputs”: teacher quality, school facilities and classrooms, class size, and “instrumentalities of learning,” such as desks, chairs, paper, books, pencils, and computers. Although the quality of the opportunity provided varies dramatically young people throughout the United States are provided with free, public education. The states face the challenge of developing methods of funding public schools that ensure quality education to all students. The trial of CFE v. State of New York began on October 12, 1999, in the New York State Supreme Court and concluded on July 27, 2000.