This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book suggests that the competing visions of educational reform are best understood through Lakoff’s bipolar construct of “nurturing” versus “authoritarian/strict father” approaches to public policy. It presents a range of visions and varied perspectives on the nature of meaningful change in American education. The book describes No Child Left Behind (NCLB) as “political fraud.” The very title of the legislation misleads the audience about the content and thrust of NCLB. The book highlights the quest for control that underlies the credentialing and accreditation processes currently being foisted on higher education. It shows that “schooling devoted to achieving standards perpetuates hopelessness” by establishing an elaborate system that controls access. The book considers compassionate conservative agenda for education. It offers a different vision of what it means to provide an equitable educational experience for all children.