The Tollite portas of Mantua has been seen as an unicum, but it has some potential relatives. This chapter focuses on James McKinnon's millennium, his intellectual pond, the Lake Erie of his musicological boatings. He knows the history, theology, liturgy, music; and he is judicious with his knowledge. The musical linkage is far from certain, yet the chants may be said to share a high G mode, and even some melodic contour. Beyond such particulars there is a larger issue, which is to explain a musical linkage between an Offertory of the central Gregorian corpus, whose antecedents. Tollite also has some less familiar uses, though none so obscure as the Ante-Evangelium for Thursday in Easter Week. The Tollite portas of Mantua has been seen as an unicum, but it has some potential relatives. With these Tollites, some link may be suspected, at the start, between Mantua's pitchless neumes and the melody at Florence.