The impression of a hapless relationship between Schubert and Goethe has been fueled by the reception histories of both artists. This chapter charts an historic performance of Schubert's and Goethe's Claudine von Villa Bella—directly inspired by the musicological lacuna—where author's perception of both artists' achievements informed the musical life of rehearsals and the decisions of directors and performers. Exploring Schubert's setting of Goethe's Claudine von Villa Bella opened up the possibility of discussing how all cultures, as well as all civilizations, are mixed, hybrid forms, full of elements taken from other cultures. The first production in English of Goethe and Schubert's Claudine von Villa Bella opened a small window in the Northern Ireland peace process. This historic occasion sought to address misconceptions of Schubert's and Goethe's endeavors in German music theater, by mounting a semi-professional performance of this operatic fragment with a cast from Northern and Southern Ireland.