The financial statement of the community for the preceding year shows that our expenses exceeded our income by over $32,000. 1 Our cash position has also diminished. Therefore, it is important that we become very frugal in our regular expenditures and that no improvements or new construction be started and that only necessary repairs be made. The members are also asked to be more conscientious about their work habits and exhibit a greater eagerness and willingness to work for the good of the community, [and] to also cast away the self-serving attitude that will lead to our ruin. Right here lies our difficult and troublesome problem. It will take more than the reading of essays to the members to keep them wholeheartedly committed to the welfare of the community. 2 They are only interested in doing away with the present system. They have let themselves become soured towards the love of their fellow man, and God, in favor of acquiring personal material gain. This attitude is against the teachings of Jesus, whose highest commandment was, “You should love your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind.” And the other equally important [commandment], “You should love your neighbor as yourself” [Matthew 22:37, 39]. To follow these commandments voluntarily is imperative, but the inclination [to do so] seems to fall short in the entire community.