This collection in five volumes tries to realize the desideratum of a comprehensive interdisciplinary work on the manifold faces and images of Jesus in China, which unites the Sinological, mission-historical, theological, art-historical, and other aspects. The first three volumes (vols. L/1-3) contain articles and texts which discuss the faces and images of Jesus Christ from the Tang dynasty to the present time. In a separate volume (vol. L/4) follows an annotated bibliography of the Western and Chinese writings on Jesus Christ in China and a general index with glossary. The iconography, i.e., the attempts of the Western missionaries and the Chinese to portray Jesus in an artistic way, will be presented in the fifth volume of this collection (vol. L/5).

part III|344 pages

Modern Faces and Images of Jesus Christ

chapter |22 pages

Medicine for the Soul?

Christ-Like Sacrifice and Filial Piety in Lu Xun's YAO AND MO YAN'S LINGYAO

chapter |23 pages

The Cross and the Lotus:

Karl Ludvig Reichelt's (1877-1952) Mission Theology and Methodology

part |123 pages

Anthology III

chapter |5 pages

Jesus von Nazareth

chapter |1 pages

The Death of Jesus*

chapter |11 pages

What is Jesus?*

chapter |2 pages

Gethsemane and Golgatha

chapter |2 pages

Revenge (II)

chapter |1 pages

The Cross*

chapter |5 pages

What Jesus Means to Me*

chapter |2 pages

Jesus as I know Him*

chapter |3 pages

My Most Vital Sermon

The Spirit of the One Hundred and Twenty (Acts 1:12-14)*

chapter |4 pages

Jesus as I Know Him*

chapter |2 pages

What Jesus Means to Me*

chapter |2 pages

Jesus as I know Him*

chapter |9 pages

The Christ of the Chinese Road*

chapter |3 pages

Kal Varienberg*

chapter |8 pages

Following Jesus *