The first edition of The English Chamber Organ was published in 1968. This new, revised edition takes into account the considerable research into chamber organs that has taken place over the last thirty years. Much of the book has been completely rewritten and expanded, and it includes a number of organs not detailed in the first edition. As its revised title suggests, this new edition covers foreign-make imports as well as British-made organs that were sent overseas. Part one comprises a series of chapters that cover the history of the chamber organ, its origins and development. Part two provides a general introduction to the construction of organs, while part three gives detailed descriptions of 196 British chamber organs, with information on their location, specifications, design, and suggestions for further reading. As a domestic instrument the chamber organ was often perceived to be as much a piece of furniture as an item of musical equipment. The Chamber Organ in Britain offers an assessment of the organ as both a musical instrument and as a decorative icon.

section One|77 pages

The Social and Musical Background

chapter One|13 pages

Origins and Early Days

chapter Two|16 pages

From Smith to Status Symbol

chapter Three|18 pages

The Handel/Snetzler Era

chapter Four|15 pages

Designed to Impress

chapter Five|13 pages

A Slow Decline

part Two|14 pages


chapter |12 pages

Aspects of Organ-Building

section Three|150 pages

The Organs: A Catalogue

chapter |2 pages

Introductory Note

chapter One|8 pages


chapter Two|21 pages


chapter Three|42 pages


chapter Four|75 pages
