THE seven Degrees of the Scale of Musick are then generated after this order.

The first Degree ariseth out of the division of all the space of Sounds into eighths, and is the graver term of an eighth, as the acuter term of that same eighth is likewise the first Degree of the next following acuter eighth.

The fifth Degree ariseth out of the division of an eighth into a fifth, and its residue fourth, and is the acuter term of that fifth.

The third Degree ariseth out of the division of a fifth into a Ditone, and its remaining Semiditone, and is z the acuter term of that Ditone. 78

[p. 31] The aa fourth Degree ariseth out of the division of the Semiditone into a greater Semitone and a greater Tone, and is the acuter term of that greater Semitone, which maketh a fifth with the acuter term of the eighth.

The sixth Degree ariseth out of the division of this foresaid fifth into a Ditone and Semiditone, and is the acuter term of that Ditone.

The second Degree ariseth out of the division of the Ditone of the former fifth into a lesser and greater Tone, and is the term of that lesser Tone, and maketh a fifth with the acuter term of the sixth.

The seventh Degree ariseth out of the division of the latter Semiditone into a greater Tone and a greater Semitone, and is the acuter term of that greater Tone, and maketh a fifth with the acuter term of the former Ditone.