While here on a visit 1 from the West, in a farewell meeting held (Mch. 13 1837) related a little of his experience as follows. As he commenced. When he commenced, he could scarcely speak for sometime, for said he “my heart is full,” He attempted several times but could not utter a word distinctly, untill the assembly kneeled, & all prayed & wept together, after which he was more released & soon commenced speaking. He said he was very thankful for the present privilege; was thankful that he had come to Lebanon. He had long wanted to come & now that he enjoyed the privilege, he felt unspeakably thankful for it. Yea, said he, I feel thankful that I have come to this house, for I have witnessed that increase, that power & gospel live & love, that I never saw before in my life & it does my soul good. “I likewise feel thankful, that I heard, received & obeyed the gospel when I did. I did it with all my might.” Then turning to those who preached the gospel to him, (Issachar Bates 2 & Daniel Moseley) 3 he said “I feel very thankful to you my Elders for bringing to me the gospel.” &c. &c. Then he proceeded to relate some of his experience “to see” (as he said) “if we could own him as a brother”