The Coimbra-based magazine Presenca first appeared in March 1927, and ended its run of fifty-four issues in February 1940, following a brief suspension in the preceding two years; in 1977, a commemorative issue was published to mark its fiftieth anniversary. An important vehicle for the visual arts as well as literature,Presencawas illustrated throughout by artists like Almada Negreiros, Sarah Afonso, Bernardo Marques and Mario Eloy, publishing a drawing by Arpad Szenes in 1935 and one by Maria Helena Vieira da Silva in 1940. Jose Regio and Miguel Torga emerged as the Presenca generation's two most influential creative writers, although their work displays few affinities, which partly accounts for Torga's departure from the magazine. The problem is that the notion of a second modernism implies that the Presenca generation represents a second wave of Orpheu modernism: a continuation of the earlier artists' trends along similar lines, following a brief hiatus.