This chapter argues that a sense of 'vagueness' was the most fundamental aesthetic category that influences the evolution of Mario de Sa-Carneiro as a poet — along with his general approach to new expressive methods, which was later defined as 'modernism' as a whole. Mario de Sa-Carneiro, beauty, however intense and theatrical, undoubtedly holds a central role. An adequate analysis of Mario de Sa-Carencro, a poet who is rarely read outside of a Pessoan sphere of influence, should therefore emphasize the originality of his peculiar interpretation of modernism and his creative autonomy. The 'new language' that the poet of Dispersal recognizes in the verses that Pessoa transcribes, in a letter he sent from Lisbon at the end of January, is actually a complex, vague and subtle language The post-reconstruction that Pessoa pieces together is nothing but a narration developed in a linear manner that was organized in three different time frames.