The communion with cosmic life was a hallmark of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's spirituality from his youth. David Toolan, like Teilhard, offers a cosmic eucharistic vision that is also based on the idea of transformation. The theologian Jay McDaniel discusses Teilhard's idea of creation as an adventure towards Omega point in relation to panentheism. 'Christ is the end point of evolution' is sometimes described by Teilhard as 'Omega point' and this has sometimes acted as a stumbling block to his thought. His insight in condemning any flight from the earth, in seeing the redemptive process as a this-worldly activity inclusive of all life forms has now been developed by many others. There is an incipient theology of redemption as the work of the entire Trinity in a context of justice that is almost entirely missing from the texts of Teilhard and one of the major criticisms of his theology.