Mainstream master narratives attempt the impossible — writing and re-writing new histories of the margin, voicing and un-voicing the 'primitive' tribal at will. Across centuries, the traditionally animist, Mun/Bongthing-led Lepchas have been religio-culturally thrice marginalized. The Buddhist Lamas never really penetrated the marrow of the Lepcha matrix; there was never any day-to-day link between the Lepchas and the Lamas. Lepchas believe that quarrelling is the result of the evil actions of three spirits, or devils: Soo-inoong, Ge-moong and Thor-moong. 'Primitive communism', as A. R. Foning terms it, prevailed among the Lepchas; the entire community rallied around individuals during times of distress as well as celebration, providing both manpower and financial support. Among the Lepchas in case of unwed motherhood, the suspected boy is questioned by elders; if the boy is unmarried, the girl becomes his wife; if married, the girl becomes his additional wife.