This chapter focuses on the building blocks of California's economy both in terms of their present operations and in terms of historical development. Farm trade organizations such as the California Cattlemen's Association (cattle), Sunkist (citrus), and Nursery Growers Association of California (flowers) also have pressured state policymakers for generous water policies. Californians for Pesticide Reform, a coalition of 185 organizations, has accused farmers of using soil fumigants and pesticides not only harmful to crops but also the air, essentially putting everyone in contact at risk. Farmers must also deal with the immigration issue in a way that goes beyond their own narrow labor needs; otherwise, the complex issue will lack for meaningful resolution. John Mirano of the Center for Immigration Studies presents information that shows an inverse relationship in California between the foreign temporary labor pool and job growth. The green technologies industry may help California's economic revival down the road, but the road is likely to be long.