The construction of a full historical context for the trope content of the Graduale Herbipolense is impeded by lacunae in our bibliographical studies. Additional valuable information concerning Germanic tropes may be had in Andreas Haug's Troparia tardiva, Repertorium spater Tropenquellen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Haug concerns himself with tropes found in over one hundred manuscripts, but does not treat those found in prints. Nevertheless, using available materials, we can reach a provisional assessment of the contribution made by the Herbipolense to our knowledge of the broader history of tropes and troping. A preliminary survey of those concordances presently available in the volumes of Corpus troporum indicates, as might be expected, that the repertory of the Herbipolense is largely Germanic. To appreciate fully the nature of the melody as it is known east of the Rhine one must turn to either the Reyser Gradual of 1496 or the Graduate Herbipolense.