In this chapter, the author considers Renaude's development as a playwright, from Le Renard du Nord, in which she blends different styles and linguistic registers, to her most plays where she has abandoned virtually all theatrical conventions. In 2003, Renaude translated Irish playwright John Mulington Synge's play The Well of the Saints into French, and her version of the play was staged that year at the Equinox Scene Nationale, Chateauroux, directed by Bruno Sachel. The theatre of Noelle Renaude seeks to develop permeability to the qualities of sound: attentiveness, dynamic connection and exchange between body and world, between body and word, openness to indeterminacy, excess, inarticulacy and traversal. Renaude plays with the inter-cutting of different theatrical styles and linguistic registers; a number of quite different 'playlets' intersect and at times collide, as characters from different world’s criss-cross the playing space.