Globalization means the spreading of the modern values and institutions of the West to the pre-modern rest of the world. This process can undermine particular cultures and identities. But it can contribute to revitalizing those able to resist the process of globalization by appealing to a set of specific values. Post-modernism means a reversion to traditional Muslim values as against foreign or Western ones. This is, in its inner core, what is called Islamic revivalism, resurgence, or fundamentalism. Proselytism is becoming increasingly unpopular both in theological and in legal circles. Theologically the inherent incompatibility between ecumenism and proselytism among Christian denominations has been underlined, and the propriety of proselytism directed to members of non-Christian religions has been questioned. Traditionally, proselytism was viewed as an expression of the right to manifest one's religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.