This is an authoritative presentation and discussion of the most basic thematic elements universally found in folklore and literature. The reference provides a detailed analysis of the most common archetypes or motifs found in the folklore of selected communities around the world. Each entry is written by a noted authority in the field, and includes accompanying reference citations. Entries are keyed to the Motif-Index of Folk Literature by Stith Thompson and grouped according to that Index's scheme. The reference also includes an introductory essay on the concepts of archetypes and motifs and the scholarship associated with them. This is the only book in English on motifs and themes that is completely folklore oriented, deals with motif numbers, and is tied to the Thompson Motif-Index. It includes in-depth examination of such motifs as: Bewitching; Chance and Fate; Choice of Roads; Death or Departure of the Gods; the Double; Ghosts and Other Revenants; the Hero Cycle; Journey to the Otherworld; Magic Invulnerability; Soothsayer; Transformation; Tricksters.

part A|63 pages

Mythological Motifs

chapter |7 pages

Nature of the Creator

Motif A10

chapter |7 pages

The Hero Cycle

Various Motifs in A

chapter |7 pages

Death or Departure of the Gods

Motif A192, and Return, Motif A193

chapter |8 pages

Creation Myth: Cosmogony and Cosmology

Motifs A600–A899

chapter |6 pages

Fight of the Gods and Giants

Motif A162.1

chapter |5 pages

Doomsday (Day of Judgment)

Motif A1002

chapter |3 pages

Confusion of Tongues

Motif A1333

chapter |4 pages

Origin of Pentecost

Motif A1541.6

chapter |7 pages

Origins of Inequality

Motifs A1600–A1699

chapter |7 pages


part B|36 pages

Mythical Animals

chapter |6 pages

Mythical Animals

Motifs B0—B99

chapter |7 pages

Mythical Animals: Dragon

Motif B11

chapter |8 pages

Mythical Birds

Motif B30

chapter |5 pages


Motif B61

chapter |8 pages

Animal Brides and Grooms: Marriage of Person to Animal

Motif B600, and Animal Paramour, Motif B610

part C|21 pages


chapter |5 pages

Tabu: Eating and Drinking

Motifs C200–C299

chapter |6 pages

Tabu: Looking

Motifs C300–C399

chapter |4 pages

Tabu: Speaking

Motifs C400–C499

chapter |4 pages

Tabu: Forbidden Chambers

Motif C611

part D|55 pages


chapter |8 pages


Motifs D0–D699

chapter |6 pages

Flight (Magic)

Motifs D670–D674

chapter |8 pages

Magic Bodily Members: Human Eye and Hand

Motif D990

chapter |7 pages

Soothsayer (Diviner, Oracle, Etc.)

Motif D1712

chapter |6 pages

Magic Invulnerability

Motif D1840

chapter |6 pages

Magic Invisibility

Motif D1980

chapter |6 pages


Motif D2020

chapter |6 pages


Various Motifs

part E|9 pages

The Dead

chapter |7 pages

Ghosts and Other Revenants

Motifs E200–E599

part F|36 pages


chapter |12 pages

Otherworld Journeys

Motifs F0–F199

chapter |7 pages

Fairies and Elves

Motifs F200–F399

chapter |7 pages

Water Spirits

Motif F420

chapter |8 pages

Extraordinary Sky and Weather Phenomena

Motif F790

part G|8 pages


chapter |6 pages


Motif G10

part H|27 pages


chapter |8 pages

Identity Tests

Motifs H0–H199

chapter |5 pages


Motifs H530–H899

chapter |5 pages


Motif H1200

chapter |7 pages

Quest for the Vanished Husband/Lover

Motifs H1385.4 and H1385.5

part J|10 pages

The Wise and the Foolish

chapter |8 pages


Motif J1030.1§

part K|24 pages


chapter |5 pages

Contest Won by Deception

Motifs K0–K99

chapter |5 pages

Thief Escapes Detection

Motif K400

chapter |6 pages

Seduction or Deceptive Marriage

Motifs K1300–K1399

part L|6 pages

Reversal of Fortune

chapter |4 pages

Pride Brought Low

Motifs L400–L499

part M|19 pages

Ordaining the Future

chapter |9 pages

Bargain with Devil

Motif M210

chapter |8 pages


Motifs M400–M462

part N|25 pages

Chance and Fate

chapter |10 pages

Chance and Fate

Motifs N0–N899

chapter |9 pages

Choice of Roads

Motif N122.0.1, and Crossroads, Various Motifs

chapter |4 pages

Wise Old Man/Woman

Various Motifs

part P|21 pages


chapter |13 pages

Sister and Brother

Motif P253

chapter |6 pages

Step Relatives

Motif P280

part Q|9 pages

Rewards and Punishments

chapter |7 pages

The Kind and Unkind

Motif Q2

part R|10 pages

Captives and Fugitives

chapter |8 pages


Motifs R10–R99

part S|28 pages

Unnatural Cruelty

chapter |7 pages

Cruel Parents

Motif S10

chapter |6 pages

Cruel Spouses

Motif S60

chapter |5 pages

Abandoned or Murdered Children

Motifs S300–S399

chapter |8 pages

Persecuted Wife

Motifs S410–S451

part T|25 pages


chapter |6 pages

Conception and Birth

Motifs T500–T599

chapter |7 pages

Monstrous Births

Motifs T550–T557

chapter |10 pages


Various Motifs in A (and T)

part U|8 pages

Nature of Life

chapter |6 pages

Justice and Injustice

Motif U10 and Various Motifs

part Z|43 pages


chapter |5 pages

The Double

chapter |6 pages

Good and Evil

Various Motifs

chapter |8 pages


Various Motifs

chapter |9 pages

The Trickster

Various Motifs

chapter |5 pages


Various Motifs