In the traditions of the ancient world, two well-known curses figure in the book of Genesis. First is, when God drives Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden they and their progeny are cursed with the travails of human suffering. Second is, after killing his brother Abel, Cain is cursed by God and condemned to wander the earth. In ancient Greek mythology, Cassandra, famed as a seer, is cursed by Apollo so that no one will ever believe her predictions again after she broke a promise of love to him. Her prophecies thus go unheeded, to the peril of the city of Troy and of Agamemnon. In ancient Greek mythology, Cassandra, famed as a seer, is cursed by Apollo so that no one will ever believe her predictions again after she broke a promise of love to him. The identity of the curser can range from a person cursing to family members cursing other family members.