The treatment of historical themes within the limits of mixed genres had a tradition at the Opera Comique, as demonstrated by Herold's Le Pre aux clercs and Halevy's Les Mousquetaires de la reine. The title changed from La Vivandiere, to La Cantiniere, and finally to L'Etoile du Nord. Prehistory, as depicted in the extended overture in the form of a tone poem. Le Pardon de Ploermel realizes the original attempt to renew the old pastoral genre in terms of the advanced medium of contemporary operatic dramaturgy, as it had been developed by Meyerbeer himself, and thereby to reflect on the genre itself. The tale ends with Dinorah looking on at the captured felon as she takes part in a religious procession. Danilowitz has been able to find Catherine who has been wandering about the countryside in a demented state, having lost her reason after her terrible experiences.