Division Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children (TEACCH) is North Carolina's statewide programme serving people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families. TEACCH strategies were first introduced into the UK on a large scale around 1990, as a result of recommendations made by an interagency working party. The concept of Structured Teaching grew out of Division TEACCH's early recognition of autism as a developmental disorder. There are four components of Structured Teaching that are incorporated into any educational programme: physical structure, daily schedules, work systems, and visual structure and information. Physical structure and organisation makes the classroom interesting, clear and manageable for pupils with ASD. Daily schedules offer the opportunity for pupils with ASD to move around their classrooms and schools independently of adult prompting and direction. Work systems are critical if pupils with ASD are to learn to work without adult assistance or direct supervision.