The first note standeth in C sol fa vt, because it standeth vpon the same rule with the clief which is the mark of C sol fa vt, the second in D la sol re, because D la sol re is next aboue C sol fa vt in the scale of Gam vt: the third in B fa b mi, because it is in the next place beneath C sol fa vt: the fourth in E la mi, because E la mi is the next place saue one to C sol fa vt, & the said fourth note standeth in the next place saue one to the cliefe which is the mark of the place C sol fa vt. And so of all other notes: then in the ende of the set, hee may see a thing thus


marked, which is called a direct, because it is alwayes put vpon the rule or space wherein the first of the next set standeth, and doth so direct a man, euen as in bookes the word that is lowest vpon euery side of the leafe doth direct a man to the word next following.