This chapter explains the ancient Greek concept of theoria, which informed the monastic notion of contemplatio. It offers some descriptions of contemplatio, experienced by the monks in the monastic schools and shows how the lectio divina method can move students into a subjective experience of wisdom embedded within a literary text used in a Humanities course. The chapter explores some of the writings of students' experiences of contemplatioin their journey towards greater self-awareness through their practice of lectio divina on literary works. It also offers some insights and challenges for instructors in the Humanities who are still unstheoriaure of or not yet open to the potential transformative experiences that can arise through the lectio divina method. The role of educators it is to help students to grow into the fullest expression of them, to grow in self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-awareness and to live in the world with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, compassion and peace.