Michele Borba identifies five building blocks of self-esteem: security; selfhood; affiliation; mission and competence. This chapter focuses on each of these building blocks and explores in turn what it is, the psychological theories which link in to it and practical ideas for developing each aspect with children and young people. Children who lack this sense of security, who have not had, and do not currently have, a secure trusting relationship, frequently do not feel safe and rarely relax; it is much harder for them to explore and learn. A young person who lacks mission may feel powerless and appear aimless. Their goals are either too high, too low or non-existent and they may have a tendency to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Self-esteem is the degree to which you believe you are lovable and capable. Parents, teachers and friends all have an important impact on self-esteem as a child develops. Low self-esteem may manifest itself in many ways.