In March 2001, Ariel Sharon formed a new, somewhat unstable government made up of an eight-party coalition that included the more dovish Labor party, the orthodox Shas party, and the far-right National Union party, with Labor party leader Shimon Peres as foreign minister. As the Intifada dragged on, the economic situation of Palestinians worsened. Employment opportunities for Palestinians in Israel evaporated and the Israeli government increasingly restricted movement within the territories. Tensions between Israel and Palestinians mounted as human bombs shook Israel. Sharon, blaming Arafat's inability or unwillingness to control the militants, sent helicopter gunships to rocket Palestinian security forces buildings and suspected training camps in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In early April 2001, in retaliation for rockets and mortar fire on Sderot, across the border from Gaza, Sharon rocketed Palestinian security bases in Gaza and temporarily seized some Palestinian-controlled areas.