Water is the quintessential elixir of life. Without water, there would be no blood circulation, no thermic regulation, no metabolism, and no life. Provided that one's fluid balance is offset, the amount of sweat produced is precisely calculated to provide for the most efficient cooling effect when evaporating. Dancers lose fluid and important minerals through sweating. These need replenishing by eating and drinking. Many dancers complain of low blood pressure, cold hands and feet, general tiredness and lack of concentration. Aside from other possible causes, these can be signs of dehydration. In order to maintain concentration, co-ordination, and the ability to perform, the body needs energy. Since the brain takes its energy almost exclusively from carbohydrates, a beverage should include some of these. Timing is important for a sufficient replacement of fluids, minerals, and carbohydrates. A mix of juice and water serves two important functions at the same time: it replaces fluids and provides energy.