"The chapters are organized well, and the preface explains how the concept of food is changing over time and how marine organisms are considered as healthy food."
—P.N. Sudha, DKM College for Women, Tamil Nadu, India

The relationship between food and health has been a growing concern in modern society, and the importance of information on their connection has elevated accordingly. People are becoming prone to diseases due to the deterioration of the environment. Despite a growing interest in preventative medicine in the healthcare sector, few medications can be called preventative drugs. Foods may exhibit completely different functions in a living body, depending on whether their components are simple substances providing energy and nutrition, or valid "functional entities."

This book covers all aspects of healthcare solutions through marine-derived materials, with twenty-six chapters exploring an array of topics pertaining to human health in everyday life.

Beginning with an introduction to food functionality and disease presentation, Chapters Two to Nine discuss chitin, chitosan, and the production and application of chitosan oligosaccharides regarding anti-cancer, anti-aging, and antioxidant activity. Furthermore, utilization of these cationic polysaccharides in artificial skin development, the prevention of alcohol consumption, dentistry, systemic diseases prevention and Alzheimer dementia are discussed in subsequent chapters. In Chapters Ten and Thirteen, I discuss obesity, osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction and sleep disorders using fisheries products.

Additionally, Chapters Fourteen to Eighteen detail the use of marine algae to treat diabetics, allergy, asthma, AIDS and hair loss, as well as the use of fisheries products for hypertension and athlete’s foot. Chapters Twenty-Two through Twenty-Six then shed light on the anti-aging effects of fish, the abundance of taurine in shellfish, antifreeze protein, food shortages through fish breeding, and cosmeceutical product development using marine organisms.

chapter 1|6 pages

Functional food and disease prevention

chapter 5|10 pages

Physiological functions of glucosamine

chapter 6|6 pages

Utilization of chitin as artificial skin

chapter 10|16 pages

Obesity and fisheries products

chapter 12|11 pages

Sexual dysfunction

Impotence and Urechis unicinctus

chapter 13|7 pages

Sleep disorders and blue mussel extract

chapter 15|16 pages

Allergy and marine algae

chapter 17|10 pages

Hair loss and marine algae

chapter 19|10 pages

Fisheries products and hypertension

chapter 23|6 pages

Abundance of taurine in shellfishes

chapter 24|3 pages

Antifreeze proteins in fish