This chapter explores the methodologies related to mobile application development in support of urban digital heritage topics. The Ghetto in Venice was established during the time of Venetian Republic and consists of three adjacent regions that were added over time: Ghetto Nuovo, Ghetto Vecchio, and Ghetto Novissimo. Over time Ghetto became increasingly populated by a diverse community of Jews coming from Europe and Middle East. Ashkenazi Italian and German Jews settled Ghetto Nuovo, which became crowded, and so to cope with the increasing population, the buildings were expanded vertically and "densified" with extra floors, wooden stairs, and internal dividers. Although the stops in the application are numbered, and the first stop does provide an historic overview of the Ghetto's origins, the project was intentionally not meant to be experienced in any one set order. The stops that follow each elaborate on aspects of the key themes of enclosure, densification, complexity, and engagement, and the effort to make the unseen visible.