G. William Domhoff's arresting biography of his masterwork, Who Rules America?, details the connecting links and evolving analysis perfected in the new editions—and later additions—that comprise the corpus of Domhoff's power structure research. In analyzing foreign policy, Domhoff has focused his attention on the economically determined initiatives of the US government, which were foundational during the second half of the twentieth century. In his historical work, Domhoff analyzes instances when electoral liberal-labor coalitions enabled moderate economic elites to overcome conservative economic elites, resulting in the implementation of welfare-state policies designed by policy-planning organizations. If Domhoff's perspective is to remain useful in understanding twenty-first–century dynamics, it must be extended to encompass semi-autonomous elites within the US state system and beyond US territorial limits, and understand the leverage applied by mobilized publics within the United States as well as the global venues of US economic and military aggression.