Tamworth has improved its employment situation between 1951 and 1961, though it is still a long way from providing enough jobs. Towns in the 'Outer Zone' and 'Western Areas', though predominant in services, offer lower than average amounts of female employment. By contrast, the persistent growth in opportunities for women in the 'Inner Conurbation' has allowed female activity rates there to soar. In the newer residential part of the conurbation activity rates for females rose 7" between 1951 and 1961. Activity rates for married women vary widely between towns. The regional activity rate for women rose from 40 to 42 in the ten years, so that in general only the conurbation areas exceeded the regional average. Birmingham, already with a very high activity rate in 1951 had increased by a further 2" by 1961, making the local activity rate 8" higher than the national figure.