The fact that an industry like soap making or cod-liver oil can be transformed from the most disagreeable to the most innocuous of activities suggests that the whole conception of the nature of industrial activity may change in the course of next few generations. The soap industry is at present in the middle of a revolution in manufacturing methods from the traditional method of boiling batches of fats and oils with caustic soda and the new method of continuous soap making. The traditional method of making soap is based on the fact that when fats or oils are boiled with caustic soda the result is soap and glycerine. The soap-milling operations are carried out both at the soap works itself, or in a separate toilet soap mill, and are quite unobjectionable. Candle making is a minor industry with a slowly declining production. Glue and gelatine are both made from the same raw materials-bone and skin waste from abattoirs and tanneries.