This chapter examines social entrepreneurship (SE) and ethical practices in the tourism and hospitality sectors among the Mediterranean nations. Conceptual frameworks present differences and unique perspectives depending on business backgrounds, size of organizations and geographic areas. Additionally, contrasts in the business models for SE and ethical issues are evident between the European Union and non-member countries. Examples of enterprises and their communities working towards more sustainable practices illustrate attempts at building “green” economies to enhance business potential. Other SE and ethical issues discussed include techniques to mitigate problems such as water scarcity, non-renewable energy sources, land degradation, waste and emissions, as well as the burdens caused by the refugee crisis. Mini-cases in tourism-related projects that involve solutions to social, cultural or environmental issues provide lessons in success and challenges. Ethically inspired entrepreneurship examples provide new opportunities within the hospitality and tourism sectors. The objective is to highlight innovation in business practices that provides transformation in a local economy as well as contributing to social progress and structures towards better conditions and life for all involved.