This chapter discusses Ursula Wise's words of advice regarding a child's cruelty to his kitten, separation difficulties, and very young children attending nursery. It also highlights the potential benefits of a change of routine and the need to be reasonable and kind as well as firm and consistent in the face of young children's fears. A young child's innate deep fears and phantasies often result in trying behaviour: rages, screaming, destructiveness, the creation of inexplicable phobias, and similar. The child must always be seen in terms of their unique particularity with their own sensitivities – she writes particularly compassionately about this in "Nervous children". It is very distressing when a little child shows these unaccountable tears and fears. They may be due to some actual happening, but it is quite possible that they are emotional, due to thoughts and phantasies in the child's mind that have very little to do with reality.